Awesome ideas exist inside and outside of hackathons, and we have provided a space for innovators to quicky get their ideas circulating in the public arena. We have options for team projects that are directly connected to a hackathon hosted on the site, and for projects that stand alone.
Below is a description of everything you get with your special project page.
Create your project now
Information You Can Include
When publishing your project, we know you want to put your best foot forward. After finishing all of your team work on your dashboard, you can publish your page by selecting the button that appears as such:
You will be prompted add the following details:
When all information has been added, you will be given the option to publish your team.
An Example
Email Sign Up and Analytics
Once you publish your site, it becomes accessible through the browse page, and has it's own URL that you can use to market for (a process used to identify if your product has a market fit based on real interactions with potential customers).
We give you some high-level analytics on how many people visit your site. Visitors to your page also have the option to sign up for your mailing list. You will be able to see how the number of signups change over time, and also have the contact information for those that have added their email addresses.