If you are an organization or company that has many hackathons throughout the year, an enterprise option may be ideal for your attendees. Enterprise packages come with a combined view of all upcoming hackathons.
With every enterprise package comes a landing site that shows information about your company and a list of all upcoming events. Each event links to its HackOut.Ninja landing page. The page also features a countdown showing the next event and a section for all upcoming events.
The page is a one-stop shop for your attendees to stagy engaged with all of the fun hacakthon plans. You can use this single page to promote all events at once as well. Those interested in specific events have the ability to register for it via the event page.
"We need a central repository for all of our hacks.
It would be great to see how they compare and also maintain a single list of our previous attendees and partners. "
Managing a Hackathon Series
Managing a series can get complicated as each hackathon in a series usually has its own manager. Our enterprise administrative view shows all admins associated with the series and allows you to manage these individuals and as well. The following is the list of the event planning and management features that come with HackOut.Ninja enterprise level.
Add Events- You can either add an event that already exists to your or you can create one from the dashboard.
Assign & Manage Administrators- You can assign administrators for each event and grant access to high-level statistics for the hack series' performance.
Decorate your series page- You can add colors, logos, contact information, and social media information on your main hackathon series site. Remember, each event comes with it's own set of customizations (sponsors, colors, logos, start and end time, etc.)
Information about each event- Anyone visiting your site will be able to see information about each of your events such as the event's logo, start and end time, and location.
You can use all of the intel from the event to do additional , and since the hackathon series' pages are accessbile to non-hackout members, the page can be used as a marketing site for others to explore all of your hackathons.
Series Page
View the countdown to the next event in the series
List of Events
Shows all of the events in your hackathon series
Dashboard Homepage
Other Info
Add admins to the board and see all edit options
Hack Series Information
Information that is important for the hackathons series' page
Series Stats
Acecss to reports for the series and high-level statistics