Why Hack?

Hackathons inspire creativity and innovation. You have a short period of time to come together with a team you may nor may know to make something amazing.

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Hackathons inspire creativity and innovation. You have a short period of time to come together with a team you may nor may know to make something amazing.

Hackathons are gaining popularity across the nation and across the globe. More and more, people and organizations hosting and participating in hackathons.  As it happens, we're seeing hackathons evolve with topics, focuses, and execution.

There are hackathons focused on innovating education. There are hackathons focused on innovating travel. There are hackathons focused on innovating healthcare. There are hackathons focused on innovating specific companies.


Hackathons are no longer just for coders.

Hackathons have expanded to include everyone from coders to entrepreneurs to designers. Finished products were originally a website or app, but now can include actual hardware.

When you’re part of a hackathon, the sky’s the limit. As a participant, your team’s creativity is the only thing holding you back. As an organizer, you can shape your hackathon to address your interests and concerns.


Hackathons are events that let people come together for a shared goal. They work to create viable solutions and produce Minimum Viable Products by the end of the hackathon.

“Hacking” is often seen as something negative in the mainstream media. Hackathons combine technology, creativity, and innovation to build solutions. Hackathons bring communities together even if the events don’t have an explicit social or civic focus.

Hackathons allow people to connect and create solutions based on problems they see. Hackathons thrive on sharing diverse perspectives and experiences. Hackathons strengthen communities by bringing people together and letting them work towards a shared goal.

Whether it’s in a company or within a community, solutions tend to come from the top, down. That often means the people dealing with the problems on a daily basis can’t fully get concerns voiced. Hackathons equalize the solution-generating playing field. Hackathons are a platform for more insightful solutions.


In a big way, hackathons solve problems and bring people together. As a hacker, you can make lasting connections. As an organizer, you can rally people to create solutions that work for problems within your community or organization.


Hackathons are now for everyone. You don't want to miss out.