
Team Dashboards

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Private Dashboards with Member Management

Every team, whether created in a hackathon or outside of a hacakthon has its own private dashboard with the ability to invite other members to join the team. Teams are also able to publish their project to the public HackOut.Ninja network from their dashboards.

Manage Team Tasks and Goals with Calendar

Teams have access to calendaring tools to help with organizing goals and tasks. These tools are accessible even after the end of the hackathon so that teams have the ability to continue working on their projects.

Upload Documents and Gain Inspiration

Teams can upload documents here, and they will automatically be added to the hackathon if the team is connected to a hackathon. If it is a stand-alone project, the documents remain solely under the ownership of the team members.

See Deadlines, Challenge Information, and Resources

Teams are provided with a countdown clock for each upcoming deadline as specified by hackathon organizers in the agenda.

Request Help from Mentors, Subject Matter Experts, or Friends

Teams are able to contact others for help either through an email or a HackOut.Ninja notification. The notification send team information. Mentors and Subject Matter Experts are listed as event helpers. If the team has no hackathon, then friends with applicable skills are listed.

See Feedback from Judges or Voters

Teams are able to see feedback provided by judges. They can also see who provided the feedback and that individual's provided contact information.

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